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Public Buildings and Site Commission
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Minutes of the regular Public Building and Site Commission held Tuesday November 24, 2009
in the Library meeting room of the Reed Intermediate School located at 3 Trades Lane Newtown,
CT. 06470. Chairman Robert Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
PRESENT: Chairman Bob Mitchell, Vice Chairman Jim Juliano, Joseph Whelan, Pete
Samoskevich, Tony D’Angelo.
ABSENT: Tom Catalina, Joseph Girgasky
ALSO PRESENT: Clerk of the Works William Knight, Fletcher Thompson Representatives
Joseph Costa, Matt Holst and Rory Wilson, Morganti representatives David Bielawski and Art
1. Public Participation
None Noted
2. Approval of minutes of September 22, 2009
The minutes of September 22, 2009 were accepted as presented. Mr. Samoskevich moved to
approve the minutes of October 27, 2009. Mr. D’Angelo seconded motion. All were in favor.
3. High School Expansion Project
Mr. Bielawski gave the PBSC an update on the status of the High School Expansion project.
Steel is being completed for the addition.
Fire proofing is underway
Exterior masonry prep is underway
MEP rough-ins are being done; no major conflicts were noted
The tennis court area is on hold due to weather
In the gym area the rock is being removed by ram hoe. Blasting was not deemed
appropriate due to the closeness of the existing building and students.
Organic fill disposal is being handles by the Town
Mr. Mitchell requested that all ductwork openings be closed during the construction to limit any
potential dirt and mold build up.
Morganti’s Monthly Report Number 6 was submitted. The project remains on schedule.
A letter (attached) was received from the Bickels, whose property is across the street from the
construction entrance. They are concerned about the use of the road after construction and the
loss of vegetation affecting their view. Mr Knight will talk with them and Mr Mitchell will send
a letter from the Commission indicating that we will follow up with potential ways of assisting to
shield the view of the rip-rap stone.
Mr Costa and Mr Holst reviewed the color and material schedules for the addition. These had
previously been reviewed and approved by the BoE. The schedules were approved with the
following comments.
Public Buildings and Site Commission
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The child care floor pattern may be better suited to a seamless flooring material.
FT will follow up.
Other items were noted that will be addressed at future meetings.
The budget for the technology items needs to be reviewed against the budget
There is a request for additional office space at Culinary Arts
There is a request to add a therapy pool and ice machine to the Training Room
The greenhouse Ed Spec needs to be finalized
Review of Applications for Payment
Mr. Mitchell presented to the Commission the following Applications for payment,
1. Morganti Group Inv. # 00005 in the amount of $1,025,354.47 for additions and
renovations to date.
2. Fletcher Thompson Invoice 0015478 in the amount of ^63,518.00 for Construction
Administration services.
3. Fletcher Thompson Invoice 0015479 in the amount of $499.53 for reimbursable
4. Brooks Environmental Invoice 3971 in the amount of $3,395.00 for asbestos monitoring
5. Brooks Environmental Invoice 4037 in the amount of $1,940.00 for asbestos monitoring
6. Change Order 7 in the amount of ($57,824.00). The credit will be added to the Newtown
construction contingency.
7. The invoice from Oscar’s Abatement will be approved pending receipt of the required
manifest documentation for the removal of materials from the site and the appropriate
bills of lading.
Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment on the Applications presented. Mr. Samoskevich
seconded motion. All were in favor.
4. Fairfield Hills Public Works
The septic from the Youth Academy has not been tied into the existing sewer system. This may
affect potential water infiltration into the Town Hall basement. Mr Knight will review this with
Mr Hurley.
5. Town Hall
The Town Hall will be occupied. A Certificate of Occupancy will be issued. Remaining items
from the Punch List will be address and corrected. Close out documentation needs to be
submitted to the Town for review. Mr Knight will follow up.
Review of Applications for Payment
Mr. Mitchell presented the following Applications for Payment regarding Fairfield Hills;
1. O and G Application for Payment D0020 in the amount of $579,840.13.
Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment on the Applications presented, Mr. Samoskevich
seconded motion. All were in favor.
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6. Community Center
No discussions were held. The demolition contract is on hold due to potential pending litigation
from one of the bidders.
Mr. Mitchell presented Applications for Payment regarding the Community Center;
1. O&G Inv. #37643 in the amount of $12,500.00 for Services provided by Ames &
Whitaker Schematic Design 10/1-10/31/2009 and the associated project management
services by O&G.
Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment on the Applications presented. Mr. Samoskevich
seconded motion. All were in favor.
7. Unfinished Business
None Noted
8. New Business
Discussion of Election of Officers tabled until all members present.
The next meeting of the Commission will be held on December 15, 2009 due to the holidays.
9. Adjournment
Having no further business, the regular meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission
adjourned at 9:20p.m.
Robert Mitchell, Chair